The Courtly Arts Performers of Victoria are the “offspring” of the 40 year labour of love of Helga Hill OAM and her husband Mark. Together they formed the Early Arts Guild of Victoria, and its performance groups; the Early Music Consort of Melbourne and the Ripponlea Renaissance and Baroque Dancers. Over the decades the group has grown and encouraged the development of musicians and dancers – along with an extraordinary body of research into the music, dance and gesture from a period spanning the medieval to the late baroque. With hundreds of performances in Melbourne and across Victoria, the joys of early music and the “Courtly Arts” have been shared with thousands of people over many decades. You can learn more in this Brief History of the Courtly Arts Performers
In 2017, Mark and Helga moved from active leadership of the group to become its patrons, lending their experience and extraordinary dance and music repertoire to the continuing evolution of the group. The Courtly Arts Performers continue to give concerts of music and dance in Melbourne and across Victoria. It is a not-for-profit organisation, depending on the support of its members and event and course subscribers to cover its operating costs. Here are some of the things you might like to do through our website:
- Subscribe to the group so we can let you know of new events as they are scheduled, as well as sharing other news of the groups activities
- Directly book forthcoming events
- Enjoy and buy our music online
- Explore the joy of Renaissance dance through our Discovery Courses
- Find us on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram

As a not-for-profit organisation we depend entirely on your support. We would greatly appreciate any contribution you could make to cover our operating costs. We accept donations via PayPal.