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We have news!

The 200+ days of lockdown in Melbourne have taken their toll on all of us in The Courtly Arts Performers of Victoria. It is hard to acknowledge that we last performed in December 2019! We came tantalizingly close with our…

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‘Suite Delights’ postponed

Due to the latest Victorian government lockdown, this Sunday's 'Suite Delights' concert has been postponed. We will update everyone again later when the current situation settles down. In the meantime, please stay safe and well.

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‘Suite Delights’ this Sunday 8 Aug

We've been holding our breath, hoping that the COVID situation would be favourable, so that this Sunday's concert could go ahead. We can now confirm that, with the easing of restrictions after lockdown 5, the concert will proceed as planned!…

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“Suite Delights” rescheduled

We finally have a new date for our Baroque performance "Suite Delights"! We look forward to performing for you on Sunday 8th August 2021 at 2pm, at the Trinity Brighton Uniting Church. If you had previously booked a ticket, you…

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We’re back!

We started face-to-face dance practices again a few weeks ago. Such a nice change from the year-that-shall-not-be-mentioned-ever-again! Suffice to say, it was nice to see everyone in person and enjoy the dances and the music again. We are thrilled to…

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COVID-19 – Concerts update

Due to the increasingly serious situation with COVID-19, the Courtly Arts Performers of Victoria Inc. have decided, with regret, to cancel the May 2020 ‘Steps Back in Time’ concerts. We will incorporate the repertoire into the November/December 2020 Christmas pageants. …

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